The holidays have been great and now I'm looking forward to the new year. By now, regular readers have probably made the transition from my Blogger blog to my new location here at TypePad. I've also redirected my personal URL, to this blog to consolidate my Web presence. Back to business -
I've got several profiles in the queue and they'll be published over the next few days, including Zemanta's, which I'll publish later today. I've also got a bunch of topics that I'd like to pursue including SW on mobile devices, LinkedData and what that really means in plain language (not to mention everyday use and why anyone should care), and maybe (high degree of difficulty here) a look at some of the acquisitions that have occurred in the SW space, the motives behind them, what factors helped shape these deals, as well as a discussion of some outcomes in the past 12-24 months that haven't been so rosy.
Oh, I'll also try to fit in a couple of shots at Google, because it would really be shocking if they weren't taking SW seriously. In fact, it could be a classic Christensen example of being torpedoed by a technology originally deployed in unprofitable, classically unattractive markets.
Hope you're all sharing my optimistic view of the coming year - no matter the upheavals in the global economy, I see a lot of activity in our small niche.